
Minnesota Prince Murals

Ask anyone who has lived in Minnesota what their Prince story is and you will hear some variation of their golden memory of a First Avenue appearance, being his neighbor, or running into him a drug store. For such a large metro area, it’s pretty incredible the impact Prince made. I moved to Minnesota in 2009, way past my clubbing and bar years, but my story is two-fold. I never met him, but he died in 2016 on my birthday, April 21. The reaction was amazing as Minneapolis turned purple from lights on buildings and bridges over the river.

Years later as my teenage daughter and I started mural hunting we planned a Minnesota Price Mural hunt over the summer of 2021. Sadly, she passed away before we made that attempt. Since then, mural hunting is how we celebrate Maddie and my family has been seeking the Prince murals. Tip: Don’t always trust navigation. Goggle maps? Apple Maps? I don’t remember, but I do know that one day we were on a wild goose chase rather than a Price Mural hunt. I digress. While you’re on your Prince mural hunt, keep an eye out for the other local murals.

Prince Mural at 26th Street and Hennepin Avenue

Hunting for prince murals

Prince Mural

At 100 feet tall this purple dominated Prince mural is found on the southwest corner of First Avenue and Eighth Street in downtown Minneapolis.

Stay tuned for more murals and Prince attractions to be added soon.

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