Elf on the Shelf Visits a Hotel Room
“Will Elf on the Shelf visit a hotel room?” That was the question Maisie was asking for days before we ventured to visit extended family for Christmas. Luckily, the answer came on the day we were packing the car to hit the road. Not only did we have a week booked at a Marriott but we had to stop in Nebraska for a night as well. What is an elf to do?
Trip Day 1: Mason Jar and Luggage
Our Elf, Lily Cute, packed herself up in a mason jar complete with a suitcase and Purrel wipes and hand sanitizer. Her sign said, “Please take me with you.” She was smart, this way Maisie could bring her along without touching her.
Year two we had a larger Elf family and the clan shared they were excited to see the cousins and even shared their cousins’ cereal Rice Krispies! This time they weren’t riding in a mason jar but rather plastic containers with handles for easy transportation.
Magic Supplies: Option one: Mason jar, elf mask, hand sanitizer, Barbie suitcase and accessories.
Option two: Two plastic containers or better yet, a REAL Elf carrier, and Rice Krispies.
Trip Day 2: The Elf on the Shelf Fruit Snacks
Our one-night stop in Nebraska was very short but our Elf on the Shelf did visit our hotel room! Lily knew that it wasn’t safe to leave her jar but she did bring a pack of Elf on the Shelf fruit snacks as road trip treats.
Magic supplies: The Elf on the Shelf fruit snacks
Trip Day 3: Christmas Window Clings
What’s a hotel room without Christmas decorations? Our Elf surprised us with holiday-themed window clings, including an elf and Santa.
Magic supplies: Christmas-themed window clings
Trip Day 4: Doing the Floss
Doing the Floss (dance) can be contagious when you’re with a group of cousins doing it. Maisie returned to the hotel room one evening flossing non-stop. Lily Cute obviously wanted to try the dance but misinterpreted what the Floss actually was.
Magic supplies: Dental floss
Trip Day 5: Lamp Climbing
This tall floor lamp in our hotel room was irresistible for our elf. She almost climbed to the top and got stuck! Poor little gal.
Magic supplies: Any climbable furniture.
Trip Day 6: Swinging from the Door with a Present for Maisie
At last, it was time for our Elf to depart to the North Pole to assist Santa with the Christmas Eve work. She made her way to the door and as a final goodbye she had a present in hand with a note on the hotel room door that said, “Do not open until Christmas.”
Magic supplies: String or ribbon and a sticky note or paper and tape.
Christmas Day
The elf-sized wrapped present was a matching doll-sized nightgown for Blaire, the American Girl that Santa brought Maisie.
Goodbye, our Elf on the Shelf, Lily Cute, thanks for visiting our hotel room. See you next year! Time to go home.